Cr-48: IDEs

I know these notebooks aren’t exactly meant to be developer machines, but that doesn’t mean I don’t still want to be able to do SOMETHING. For the most part, the online IDEs I’ve tried (codepad, ideone) are ok, but I miss the comfort of having an IDE that does AUTO-INDENT in which I don’t need to use the spacebar to produce tabbing… so this sounds like a trivial request until you remember that Python is a language in which whitespace has great significance. Sigh. And I do most of my scripting in python. I wish Google Docs had a programming language syntax mode…

In other areas… my fat fingers are finally getting used to typing on such a little keyboard (when I use my macbook the keys feel ginormous and seem to have vast expanses between each little chiclet). The trackpad, however, still sucks. This, sadly, is out of the Chrome OS team’s power to change and the least of their problems since there will no doubt be a bajillion different shiny, beautiful devices once this guinea pig phase is complete.